Eurostar EV

Versatile glass and PET bottle filler offering electropneumatic control for minimal oxygen in the bottle.


  • High precision automatic rotary filler for high-speed lines
  • Electropneumatic control of filling valves for minimal oxygen in the bottle
  • Designed to be washed and sanitized in a closed loop


Great versatility is the hallmark of the Eurostar EV. The machine comes in both glass and PET bottle versions and is designed to fill carbonated and still beverages, beer and wine.

Eurostar EV is a fully automatic rotary electropneumatic filler, specifically designed and manufactured for filling in glass bottles for high cadence filling lines. Eurostar EV is based on proven technology guaranteeing reliability, high performance, product quality and easy sanitization. This machine, thanks to the electropneumatic control of filling valves, offers high-speed precision filling and, in the case of beer, minimal oxygen in the bottle.

The strong points of the Eurostar EV include:

    • High performance
    • Reliability due to simple, proven mechanics
    • Flexibility: handles glass or plastic bottles
    • Easy sanitization
    • Hygiene
    • Easy machine access
    • User-friendly operation
    • Can be attached to a rinser

The Eurostar EV has a wide range of applications. In addition to beer, wine and carbonated beverages, still products can be filled at atmospheric pressure thanks to the special valve design. Depending on the product and container to be filled, various versions of the valve are available:

    • Without pre-evacuation: carbonated beverages or still water in glass or PET bottles
    • With pre-evacuation: beer or CSD in glass bottles
    • With double pre-evacuation: beer in glass bottles
    • With self-leveling: wine in glass bottles
    • With pre-evacuation and self-leveling: still or sparkling wine in glass bottles.
    • Up to two closing devices (crowner and/or capper) can be located on the extended base-frame (available as an option).

Control system

The filling parameters and control signals required for the correct functioning of the filling valve are situated in an electronic card (master) in the control PC. The control signals are sent to each individual electronic card (slave) by field bus data transmission, one electrical box every two filling valves. The system has simplified cabling of the rotary parts and makes troubleshooting much easier.

The system provides continuous monitoring of each individual valve with the possibility of modifying the working parameters automatically. Thanks to independent valve control, in the event of a malfunction, an individual valve can be switched off without affecting the overall working of the machine.

Filling technology

The electro-pneumatic filling valve has an extremely simple design with a limited number of components and gaskets.

    • Each filling valve is operated by an electropneumatic system which receives data from the recipe on the touch screen.
    • This guarantees easy sanitization and minimizes maintenance.
    • The decompression gas leaked from the filling valves is collected in a room and then ducted outside of the filler.
    • The valve components can be dismantled independently, a maintenance advantage.
    • The interchangeable vent tubes are attached to the body of the valve ensuring rapid assembly and dismantling. 

Level probe on filling valve

Today, customers investing in new packaging lines running multiple formats are increasingly asking for fast format changeovers. If the product or recipe remains the same, the bottle changeover on the filler needs to be done without any human intervention, meaning no need to run any internal (CIP) or external (COP) cleaning, before going back to production phase.

Our new electro-pneumatic glass filling valve with level probe is the optimal technology for beer and carbonates products, to guarantee a reduced Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).

Main advantages:

    • Fast format changeovers
    • No more operator intervention
    • Secured hygiene
    • No CIP or COP at changeover
    • Low maintenance
    • The machine is designed to be washed and sanitized in a closed loop, installing dummy bottles applied to the filling valves.
    • All parts in contact with the product are treated in the sanitization cycle.
    • On request, an external sanitization system can be provided for the filler carousel and base frame.
    • Any residue is removed by foaming products and water rinsing.

Bottle lifts

The bottle lifts are raised from above and are located inside the carousel where they are well protected. The design of the bottle lift makes for easier, faster assembly and dismantling, as these operations are carried out with the bottle lift completely assembled.

If a bottle bursts, the fragments of glass and product fall directly to the floor without coming into contact with the sliding parts of the bottle lift.

At the same time, an automatic wash-off system is switched on to spray high-pressure water jets onto the bottle lift plates, the filling valves and the centering bells which are lifted into the wash-off area, where any remaining glass debris is completely removed.

Automatic height adjustment

The Eurostar EV is equipped as standard with an automatic height adjustment system to adapt to the various bottle formats. This feature guarantees high precision, repeatability, easy operation and minimal changeover times.

Quality filling with variable pressure foaming system

This foaming system is installed on fillers dedicated to beer. Residual air is eliminated from the bottle neck by injecting high-pressure water before crowning.

As an option, this system can be automated. The PLC software adjusts the pressure according to a pressure/speed graph set by the operator interface terminal.

By memorizing the graphs, proper foaming is guaranteed in all working conditions. The system can also be integrated with an automatic device controlling the foam water temperature.

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