The issue relates to the following Sustainable Development Goals

Industry Innovation

Innovating for sustainability

In 2021 we set our goal for 2030, in line with Paris Agreement, to reduce energy consumption and emissions by 30% across our sites and facilities (Scope 1&2), and by 25% for everything that we purchase and sell (Scope 3).

In 2022 we’ve exceeded our own ambitions and been able to upgrade the targets we set ourselves in 2021. We will now be in line with the 1.5°C trajectory, reducing our emissions by 50% across our sites and facilities by 2030. And by the end of 2022 all our production plants will be powered by 100% green energy

We are doing this primarily through new energy-saving technologies which, as a business that innovates for change, we are in a perfect position to deploy. 
And while we’re upgrading our own machinery and processes, the upgrades we installed in 2021 on existing lines enabled our customers to save more than 1,500 tons of CO2. We have the will, the technology and the capability to help you – and it’s more cost effective than you might think.

You don’t have to choose between economics and the environment: saving energy will also, ultimately, save your bottom line.  

We are committed to making circular economy a reality: with our mantra of ‘reduce, recycle and re-use’, we are dramatically lightening our collective footprint on the planet – and we put our 40 years expertise in PET packaging design and innovation at your service.



Empowering Sustainable Futures

Discover how we rise to the challenges of safeguarding our planet

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