The issue relates to the following Sustainable Development Goals

3 Good Health

Health & Safety

Sidel’s first and foremost Corporate Social Responsibility pillar is Health & Safety. Sidel is committed to building a strong safety culture within the group in order to provide safe and healthy workplaces for all employees, subcontractors, customers and visitors and sustainably develop our business by raising awareness, extending certification and encouraging every team member to look out for their peers. 
To achieve this, we have implemented 7 HSE principles that include reaching a goal of zero accidents, analysing incidents, conducting audits, providing training, correcting deviations and constantly reviewing the roles of both managers and employees.
  1. Our goal is ZERO work-related illnesses, accidents and environmental incidents
  2. All accidents and incidents must be reported, all Lost Time Accidents analyzed and environmental incidents investigated
  3. Managers are responsible for ensuring safe working conditions, for enforcing HSE standards and developing continuous HSE improvement
  4. Employees are responsible for implementing and complying with HSE standards and contributing to their continuous improvement
  5. Deviations from HSE standards must be corrected promptly. All employees are responsible for reporting or, if necessary, stopping unsafe work practices
  6. All employees to receive training on relevant safety-related issues and environmental standards
  7. Managers to perform regular HSE audits for their area of responsibility

Sidel quickly responded also to Covid-19 crisis, and continued to manage it by constantly doing more to protect our employees than we were legally required to. For example, we introduced mask use in February and smart working in March. From that moment on, in 2020, over 90% of our office workers have worked remotely and we now hold weekly meetings to review the situation in specific countries before allowing our teams to return to work. We have also provided a huge number of masks and sanitizer gels as well as reorganising our offices and canteens with protective shields and social distancing measures.

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