Privacy Notice

We, at Sidel Group are committed to protect and respect your privacy – truly!

This Privacy Notice applies to you as a business contact, prospect, visitor, customer or more generally as a participant of our corporate events, user of our web sites, web services, mobile applications, social media profiles/pages, newsletters, or business portals.

This Privacy Notice is designed to be as simple as possible, so you can clearly understand your rights, and know about:


We are Sidel Group – with headquarters at Sidel S.p.A, Via la Spezia, 241, 43125 Parma PR, Italy.

If you have any question, remark, or concern, as it relates to this Privacy Notice or if you have requests concerning Your personal data, our Data Privacy Manager can be contacted by email:


We may collect and process the following categories of personal data:

  • Contact information
    • name, surname, title/position/level and name of the company you’re working for.
    • phone number, email address, country of residence.
    • Language preferences, nationality.
    • And more generally any business contact detail and personal data that is required for the purpose of conclusion and execution of agreements with you and/or the company you’re working for.
  • Personal information provided by you and contained in any content you submit to us (such as your areas of interest related to Sidel, content your message)
  • Feedback, comments, and questions received from you in service-related communication and activities, such as meetings, phone calls, documents, and emails.
  • Cookies: We use cookies and other similar technologies to automatically collect browsing data. You can know more about our Cookies policy here.

We do not collect or process any special categories of personal data, such as public unique identifiers or sensitive personal data.


We collect personal data about you when you provide information to us, for instance when:

  • You fill in a contact form on one of our web services.
  • You request information about a product or service.
  • You sign up to receive news, updates, or direct marketing communications.
  • You participate or attend an event or campaign
  • You communicate with us for example through social media networks, by sending us an email, or by phone.
  • You or your organization use our products/services, or we receive information from a legitimate source, including an existing contact, that these could be of interest to you.
  • You visit our premises in person.
  • You visit or use our web services where we automatically collect certain information related to you (through cookies for instance: see more details in cookies policy ).
  • You sign up for automated decision making, including profiling (We will only use profiling for targeted marketing/communication campaigns activities, and with your consent through “opt-in”).

When we collect personal information from other legitimate sources, such as third-party data aggregators, marketing partners, public sources or social networks, we only use this data if you have given your consent to them to share your personal data with others.


We may process your personal information lawfully, with the aim to:

  • Perform a contract with you or the company you’re working for.
  • Respond to your questions and provide information you requested (via mail, e-mail or phone, as applicable).
  • Perform direct sales, direct marketing and customer service.
  • Improve our services and products.
  • Send you marketing communication.
  • Send you information about the products and services that you have purchased from us.
  • Provide you content and venue details on a webinar or event you signed up for.
  • Reply to a ‘Contact me’ or other web forms you have completed on one of our Sidel Group websites.
  • Follow-up on incoming requests (customer support, emails, chats, or phone calls).
  • Provide access to our Customer Support portal and/or Sidel Services Online (SSO) portal.
  • Perform contractual obligations such as order confirmation, license details, invoice, reminders, and similar activities. The contract may be with Sidel Group directly or with a Sidel Group partner.
  • Contact you to conduct surveys about your opinion on our products and services.
  • To comply with our legal obligations and/or as otherwise permitted by law.


We do not share, sell, rent, or trade your information with any third parties without your consent.

We may disclose your personal information for legitimate purpose to:

  • Any affiliate belonging to Sidel Group of Companies.
  • Tetra Laval Group entities, joint ventures, subcontractors, vendors, or suppliers who perform services on our behalf, or to customers, for the aforementioned purposes.
  • A newly formed or acquiring organization if Sidel is involved in a merger, sale, or a transfer of some, or all, of its business.
  • Distributors, agents, sub-contractors, and other associated organizations with the purpose of them providing services to us, or you, on our behalf.
  • Authorized third party analytics service provider, for the sole purpose of responding to your questions or applications.
  • Any recipient, if required by law, or if we, as a company, reasonably believe that disclosure is necessary to protect our company’s rights and/or to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order or legal process.

In any case, we will as much as possible ensure that your privacy rights continue to be protected (for example with appropriate agreements in place)


Your personal data may be transferred outside of the country where such data was collected. Mainly also because we are an international group of companies.

Where such transfers occur, we will ensure that adequate protection exist through appropriate contractual arrangements, organizational or security measures.

You may obtain a copy of the adequate protection for data transfers by requesting it to:


We put in place appropriate organizational, security or contractual measures to protect your personal data.

We protect it against accidental or unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, access, disclosure, or use.

We restrict access to limited authorized employees, contractors and agents who need to access the personal data in order to process it for us, and who are subject to strict confidentiality obligations.

We process your personal data to help us maintain and develop our business relationship. The legal basis therefore is either based on:

  • Performance of a contract

    We use personal information for fulfilling our obligations related to contracts and agreements with customers, partners, and suppliers.

  • Legitimate interest

    We may collect personal data if it is considered of legitimate interest, and if this interest is not overridden by your privacy interests.

    A legitimate interest assessment may be executed by Sidel. A copy of such legitimate interest assessment can be provided upon your request sent to

    This legal basis is primarily related to our sales and marketing activities.


We store personal data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which the personal data was collected, or to comply with legal requirements.

This means that we may retain your personal data for a reasonable period after your last interaction with us. When the personal data that we have collected is no longer required, we will delete it in a secure manner. We may process data for statistical purposes, but in such cases, data will be anonymized.


RIGHT TO OBJECT You can object to the processing of Your personal data, unless such processing is:
  • required by law
  • necessary for the fulfillment of contractual obligation(s)
  • required per our legitimate interest
You have the right not to be sent direct marketing.
RIGHT TO ACCESS You may reasonably request access to Your personal data.

This right has some restrictions (for example where providing such access could compromise others’ interests).
RIGHT TO RECTIFY When your personal data is incomplete, inaccurate or simply no longer up to date, You may request to have your personal data rectified or when applicable, rectify it yourself via available self-service systems
RIGHT TO RESTRICT In certain specific cases, You may request us to limit processing of your data and the right to object and automated individual decision-making. You have also the right to withdraw consent (eg. ‘unsubscribe’ to e-marketing communications)
RIGHT TO PORTABILITY Where relevant in certain circumstances, You may have the right to transfer Your data.
RIGHT TO ERASURE You may request to have your personal data erased or when applicable erase it yourself via available self-service systems. This right is also referred to as the 'right to be forgotten'
LOGDE A COMPLAINT You can also lodge a complaint with the national Data Protection Authority which is competent for your place of residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement.

Any query about your Privacy Rights should be sent to


Information About Children

We do not knowingly or intentionally collect information about children. If you believe that we have collected information about a child, please contact us at, so that we will delete the information.

Changes to this Privacy Notice

We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Notice at any time.

The applicable version will always be found on our websites.

We encourage you to check this Privacy Notice occasionally to ensure that you are in agreement with any change.

If we make changes that significantly alter our privacy practices, we will notify you by email or post a banner or a notice on our websites prior to the change taking effect.

Handling Privacy Concerns

If you have any question about this notice, if you believe that your personal data is not handled properly, or if you want to exercise a right, please contact either:

  1. Your Sidel Group sales or marketing representative, or;
  2. Sidel Group’s Data Privacy Manager through

You can also lodge a complaint with the national Data Protection Authority which is competent for your place of residence.

Thank you for your trust and business with Sidel Group

Data Privacy Manager | Sidel Group | e-Mail:

Sidel Group has updated its Privacy Notice
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