Legal notice


We, Sidel, appreciate your interest in our products and your visit to or to any of our other websites distributed by Sidel as (the "Websites"). If you have a request for information or would like to submit information to us, please go to our Contacts page and complete the appropriate form. If the contact relates to a specific geographic market, we encourage you to contact the relevant local Sidel office directly. You will find links to all local Sidel offices on the Contacts page. 


Personal data

To review our Privacy notice, please click here.

In order to respond to your questions or provide you with specific information which you have requested or applied for via the Contacts page, we will ask you for your name, address, e-mail address and telephone number. If you submit this personal information when applying for employment, we will collect this information, too. We consider your submission of such personal information to be your express written approval of us collecting such data for the purpose of contacting you via mail, e-mail or phone in order to respond to your request or application. 

How we use and protect the collected data 

No information provided by you, or tracked using cookies, will be disclosed to any third party without your express consent or as permitted by applicable law. We may share your information with other Sidel companies, or third party analytics on assignment from Sidel for the sole purpose of responding to your questions or application, fulfilling your requests or providing you with requested information. It is important to note that at no time do we or any of our analytics attempt to identify you individually nor do we Sidel collect any personal data about you (e.g. your name, address, telephone number or e-mail address) through the Websites without your knowledge and/or consent. We may use and keep the information collected on this Website to respond to your requests (via mail, e-mail or phone, as applicable), for compliance with our legal obligations and/or as otherwise permitted by law to protect our legitimate interests. We maintain organisational, technical and physical standards to safeguard and protect all your information against unauthorised disclosure, use, alteration or destruction. 

How you manage the cookies and how you opt out 

If you do not accept our use of cookies on our Websites, you can configure your browser to reject cookies by modifying your browser settings. However, if you chose to do so, we cannot guarantee that all functionality of our Websites will work as intended. The procedure for rejecting cookies will depend on what web browser you are using. Web browser cookies: You can choose how web browser cookies are handled by your device via your browser settings including to refuse or delete all cookies. If you choose not to receive cookies at any time, the website may not function properly and certain services will not be provided. Each browser is different, so check the "Help" menu of your browser to learn how to change your cookie preferences or follow the instructions provided at, which provides information for the most common browsers. Local Storage (Flash and HTML5): The most common browsers clear your locally stored data when you choose to delete/clear your cookies and web browsing data; consult the Help function of your browser for more details. Alternatively, you can manage which websites can store information (and how much) in Flash cookies by visiting the settings panel on the Adobe website. 

The 'Do Not Track' (DNT) function on your web browser 

DNT is a feature offered by some browsers which, when enabled, sends a signal to websites to request that your browsing is not tracked, such as by third party ad networks, social networks and analytic companies. This website does not currently respond to DNT requests, however, you may opt-out of tracking for analytics and advertising purposes using the links provided above. A uniform standard has not yet been adopted to determine how DNT requests should be interpreted and what actions should be taken by websites and third parties. We will continue to review DNT and other new technologies and may adopt a DNT standard once available. 

Social Media Widgets 

The Websites may use social media widgets to enable visitors to engage with content from our Websites on various social platforms (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn etc.). To understand how and what information is collected and what cookies are set by these third parties, please refer to the privacy policy of the appropriate social platform. 


Links from our websites 

We, Sidel, create links to other websites for the purpose of offering you an opportunity to review connected and interesting information related to us and our businesses. These Third-party websites are outside our control and are not covered by this Privacy Policy. If you access other websites using the links provided, the operators of these websites may collect your personal information. Please ensure that you are satisfied with the Privacy Policy of these Third Parties before you submit any personal information.  

External links to Sidel websites 

Linking from an external party to a website owned and controlled by us is only allowed if, and on the condition that the external website does not contain material which could be considered unlawful, threatening, defamatory, obscene, scandalous or profane or that could constitute or encourage a conduct that would be considered a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any law. We do not assume any responsibility whatsoever for the content or functionality of external websites which are not operated or controlled by Sidel. 


We endeavour to keep the information of our websites accurate, including but not limited to, text, photographs, graphics and figures. This information is provided "as is" and we disclaim all warranties, expressed or implied about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the website or the information for any purpose to the extent permitted by applicable law. Further, we disclaim any warranty that our websites are free from infection by virus or anything else that has contaminating or destructive properties. Except as provided by applicable law, we do not accept any responsibility for damage, resulting from your use or inability to use this site or any content, services, or materials provided by or on this site. 


This website and all artwork, graphics, brochures, texts, photographs, packages, technical specifications ("Content") displayed herein are the copyright and property of Sidel ©. All rights reserved. You may not reproduce, republish, translate or in any way distribute any parts of this website or the Content without the written permission from the owner, except that You may make one copy or download to a local hard disk for your personal and non-commercial use only. Any copies of the Content which has been duly and legally shared are only made available by the owner on the condition that you will not alter or modify such content, nor remove or change any proprietary notice on such Content. 

Sidel Group has updated its Privacy Notice
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